Friday, July 27, 2012

Growing Basil Plants

Green Basil
Have you had diffculty growing basil? Many do in Tasmania. Often the plant goes to seed before you can get any leaves. If you have never grown your own basil, and only used the stuff from shops, try growing it at least once, you will be amazed at the difference in taste between 'fresh basil' and 'not so fresh'.

Basil grows well in a humus rich moist soil, we suggest some shade in afternoon, seems to keep it a little 'sweeter', and tends to stop it from going to seed (bolting). Basil grows in late spring and summer. To get a head start you can start growing seeds a little earlier in a cold frame or greenhouse. You can even grow basil in a greenhouse during cooler months. Best known for its use in pesto, basil actually comes in a few varieties including cinnamon, fino verde, genovese giant, greek (yiotis) lemon, lime, mammoth, napolitano. opal and purple ruffles all have their special uses.

Purple Basil
Basil Pesto Recipe
  • 3 - 6 cloves of garlic (roast garlic in oil first to give a sweet nutty flavor)
  • 100g pine nuts
  • 50g of freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • 100g basil leaves cleaned (with stems removed)
  • 100ml Olive oil
  • Majoram leaves (tsp)
  • Freshly ground black pepper (tsp)

Blend all of the dry ingredients in a food processor adding olive oil until you get a creamy mixture.

Thai Basil