Thursday, November 25, 2010


It's early Thursday morning and the tomatoes are waking up!

Far left bed: Grosse Lisse tomatoes on green stakes.

Next bed: Bush tomatoes.

Right side two beds: The heirloom tomatoes. The big ones on stakes I bought from the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens annual plant sale. They are looking good.


Can you call your self Tasmanian if you don't like Pink Eye potatoes? Had the first harvest this week. Dad was very excited, our mainland friends couldn't understand the excitement over potatoes!  
Pink eye cooking suggestion:
Finely chop heaps of parsley and blend with "duck river butter". Steam the pink eye potatoes for 10 minutes. Drain, then smother with the parsley butter blend.

First Bee Hive Inspection

Acquired two hives from contacts at the Tasmanian Beekeepers' Association. We have four boxes for each hive. One brood box at bottom and three box's on top.

After two weeks in new location we opened them up for inspection. Most of the honey was found in the second box (see picture). Very little honey in the top box (4th), but covered in bees so should be good things to come.

PS: Friends bringing a plate of sweet cakes while the hive is open makes them go crazy! Yes quite a lot of people where stung on the head!